101 and FUSION I, II

Rehearse song selections in class
Setting goals for “performance ready songs.”
Continue working on rhythmic and melodic accuracy.
6th Grade Rock 101:
Students will be able to:
Week one: Learning how to read and count rhythms
Apply learned rhythms to drum set patterns in 4/4 time
Learn how to read and play power chords on guitar
7th Grade FUSION:
Students will be able to:
Continue studies on spring concert music
Isolate each section and work on chord/rhythmic accuracy
Add new songs to set list for spring concert
Continue to develop individual skills.
8th Grade FUSION:
Students will be able to:
Isolate each section of their concert music, focusing on note and rhythmic
Add “revised” songs to spring concert set list
Work on blending individual parts with others, covering different
sections of each song.
Complete songs that are due this week in class.
Isolate trouble spots in music and work on correct chords and rhythms